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Technical evaluation of projects of our customers and optimization of budgets in the construction of engineering systems

The RST-ENERGO company has many years of accumulated experience in optimizing Customers' projects regarding the procurement and supply of equipment and materials, as well as the design and operation of facilities
as a result of reduced purchase costs, delivery and installation times, reduced maintenance costs due to high energy efficiency and equipment durability
We help in the development of projects at the OTP stage
with the subsequent protection of the proposed solutions
by offering non-standard design solutions
We help reduce capital costs
Comprehensive savings
from 10% to 60%
Project department
We carry out the study of Customers' projects, provide carefully designed design solutions with detailed recommendations
Design department
We provide qualified consultations on product features and installation, as well as technical support for Customers' projects, and our specialists participate in installation supervision at Customers' sites.
with laying of cable lines in accordance with the connection diagrams
calculation of loads on overpasses and foundations
For example, we design cable and technological racks
taking into account the terrain
Building Information Modeling (BIM) Division
Catalogs, databases and families of equipment that we develop for our customers allow us to make the most accurate specifications, work out projects in the shortest possible time and minimize the number of errors.
Detailed BIM-models of Customers' objects contain a comprehensive binding of all necessary equipment parameters, working drawings and specifications
make forecasts by linking the BIM model to cost books and installation time standards
make changes to the calendar-network schedule
Control of construction at the level of BIM technology allows our Customers
keep track of construction progress